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How to join

If you are interested in being a postdoc in our group:

We have open positions with flexible start dates! Feel free to shoot an email to rubenverresen-at-gmail-dot-com with a copy of your CV.

If you are interested in being a PhD student in our group:

We have open positions for Fall 2024!

If you are currently a grad student at UChicago, feel free too shoot an email to rubenverresen-at-gmail-dot-com.

If you are not yet a grad student at UChicago, please consider applying either to the ‘Quantum Science and Engineering’ program of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, or to the Physics Department. Feel free to email the above address if you have particular questions.

If you are interested in doing a research project in our group
as an undergraduate or master’s student:

Once the group is up and running, we will be offering such research opportunities. Stay tuned!